O3講演者・パネリスト プロフィール
Open Networking Foundation Executive Director
Dan Pitt 氏
基調講演題名:Open SDN in the Mainstream
基調講演概要:The Open Networking Foundation is an advocate for networking innovation and encouraging the successful commercialization of open SDN. Over the past year, the organization’s activities have focused on these objectives, including the chartering of new Working Groups exploring Northbound Interfaces, SDN for wireless and mobile networks, and Migration; holding an OpenFlow Driver competition; establishing a program to test products’ conformance with the OpenFlow protocol; creating a new membership category for startup companies; and leveraging open-source software as a learning tool. As a result, more service providers, enterprises, and governments are investing in SDN. In this
presentation, Dan will discuss how ONF is and will continue working to accelerate the adoption of open SDN for the benefit of end users as ONF enters its fourth year.
Dan Pitt is Executive Director of the Open Networking Foundation, joining on its public launch in March 2011. Dan spent twenty years developing networking architecture, technology, standards, and products at IBM Networking Systems in North Carolina, IBM Research Zurich in Switzerland, Hewlett Packard Labs in Palo Alto, and Bay Networks in Santa Clara, Cal., where he was vice president of the Bay Architecture Lab. When Nortel bought Bay Networks, Dan became vice president of Nortel's Enterprise Solutions Technology Center, spanning nine cities on four continents.
From 2002–2007 he served as dean of the school of engineering at Santa Clara University and holder of the Sobrato Chair in Engineering. From 2007–2011 he advised and served in executive operational roles in startup companies in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, most recently as an executive in residence at the Plug and Play Tech Center in Sunnyvale, Cal. Dan received a B.S. in mathematics (magna cum laude) from Duke University and an M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Illinois. He taught as an adjunct professor at Duke University and the University of North Carolina for ten years and has fifty publications and one patent to his credit.
三上 哲郎 氏
※三上氏には、グローバル人材育成視点 でパネルディスカッションにもご登壇いただきます。
2013.7~ CASL代表
~2013.3 日立電線株式会社 執行役常務
~2007.6 NTTシンガポール社長、アジアパシフィック統括責任者
~2004.6 NTTコミュニケーションズ 理事 グローバル事業部 部門長
~1999.1 NTT 長距離通信事業本部 部門長、米国Telligent 社 取締役
~1991.9 NTT America, Director, Corporate Planning
~1988.8 NTT 国際部欧米担当課長
~1986.2 NTT 技術局 調査員、通信機器事業部 担当課長
1977.4~ 日本電信電話公社 入社
~1977.3 横浜国立大学 工学部電気工学科 修士課程 修了
横浜電子情報工学会 会長
公益財団法人 横浜工業会 理事
岩田 淳 氏
Atsushi Iwata joined NEC Corporation in 1990 and has been working for research and development of ATM, IP/MPLS, Metro Ethernet, CDN, and SDN/OpenFlow, NFV and server virtualization since then.
From 1997 to 1998, he was a visiting researcher at UCLA where he was working for research activities of Multi-hop Adhoc Wireless Network (MANET).
From 2009 to 2011, he moved to IP network division to develop SDN/OpenFlow-based Datacenter switch products as ProgrammableFlow datacenter solutions.
In 2011, he moved back to Central Research Labs, and since then he has been leading SDN/NFV research activities in Knowledge Discovery Research Laboratories, as a Deputy General Manager.
He received the B.E., and M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1988, 1990, and 2001 respectively.
情報基盤センター 准教授
関谷 勇司 氏
Yuji Sekiya (Ph.D) is an associate professor of the University of Tokyo,Information Technology Center. He received B.E. from Kyoto University in 1997 and M.E. from Keio University in 1999. He worked in USC/ISI since Oct. 1999 for six months as a visiting researcher. Since 2002 he has been working in The University of Tokyo, Information Technology Center. He received Ph.D degree from Keio University, Graduate School of Media
and Governance in 2005.
He is a board member of WIDE Project. He has been working on DNS measurements, SDN, Network Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Cyber Security. Also he is deeply involved in WIDE Project, M Root DNS servers, JP DNS servers, Internet Exchanges called DIX-IE and NSPIXP-3, and Interop Tokyo ShowNet.
中井 悦司 氏
企業システムにおけるLinux/ OSS活用の促進に注力。
中村 秀治 氏
地上放送デジタル化、IPv6次世代イン ターネット、ワイヤレスブロードバンド、
ICT街づくり等、新しい地域社会基盤形成 に関する領域を担当。